Which water lily should I choose for my garden pond? How do I look after my water lily?
Top Tips for choosing the best water lily for your pond, and how to keep them looking good.
How big is your pond? It is important to select a water lily that will not grow too big for your pond. There are pygmy, small medium and large water lilies. Our stock all have labels that will give you details on both the spread of the water lily growth as well as the depth they can go. As a general rule white lilies grow largest and fastest. Yellow tend to be smallest and slower growing.
Make sure that your water lily does not dry out in the time before you get it in your pond.
Make sure the soil is covered with gravel, to stop soil leaching into the pond, and fish from digging them up.
Our water lilies are grown in about 45cm water (18") it is important that you keep them at approximately the same depth for the first season. Keep as many open leaves on the surface as you can. Planting them deeper will set their growth back and can even kill them.
If you have older water lilies not looking their best. or not flowering well try repotting and feeding them. They probably need more nutrients. You can buy liquid fertiliser, or food balls that you can push into each plant pot.
Choose an area with smooth water surface. Away from splashing waterfalls or fountains, as they do not like splashes on the leaves.
We have regular deliveries of all pond plants and water lilies, and are very happy to give you advice when you are choosing for your pond. Water Lilies and marginal pond plants are available to purchase from our retail shop.
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