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Meet the Aquascapers, Daniel Earl of Earl Scapes

Writer's picture: byrkleyaquaticsbyrkleyaquatics

We will be welcoming Dan into our store in January 2023. He is bringing along some friends to create some more great aquascapes for us. This event is all about the small tanks. Nano tanks, inspiring our customers and creating some great displays.

Fish keeping a relaxing hobby

When did you start keeping fish and why?

Hi I'm Dan, I'm a dad of two from Stroud, I've been keeping fish/reptiles since I was little - this was bred from my dads passion for animals and he too is still fishkeeping. I love having a slice of the natural world within my home.

Aquascapes come in all shapes and sizes.

What made you start Aquascaping?

I only got into planted tanks early lock down but have enjoyed the roller coaster of learning and mistakes with having a more natural set up. I started with a 30cm cube, then it progressed from there. now I have a 300ltr mix community tank with what I feel is nice balance of 'scaped' and wild planted style.

I've found a love for the creative process of creating a planted aquarium and the de-stress that comes with maintenance and care once set up. One thing I would say for anyone getting into scaping, is to create something you enjoy and you will get more out of it.

Overgrown Jungle or Trimmed and Tidy
Overgrown Jungle or Trimmed and Tidy

Scaping Inspirations

I was inspired by the various YouTube creators and that lead me to Instagram where I discovered some exceptional scapers - George Farmer for his naturistic approach of simple but effective plant choices and layouts, MD Fish tanks - he I think has made this hobby approachable to all price levels and tank size and lastly Filipe Oliveira - his cross over of natural but designed approach very much sang to my creative side. The team at InTheFlow have also been great inspirations with lots of different styles and set ups.

Favourite Tank/Scape

One tank that inspires me is a set up produced by Filipe at Aquaflora its a mix of grasses and java ferns/anubias. A beautifully green and lush looking tank

Favourite equipment

I have found that trialing things is the best way to see what works - one constant for me is my Test kit from NTlabs and my Fish food from Bluewave Aquatics (a small independent producer)

Favourite Fish/plant

Hard to choose a favourite fish/plant - but gourami's have always been fascinating and reoccurring purchase for my tanks, plants wise - Anubias has to be my winner with the easy of care and vibrancy you can get with the varied sub species.

Want to follow Dans Journey?

Hopefully Dan is now a friend of the store, and will be a welcome visitor and scaper. If you want to follow his aquascaping journey you can find him on Facebook Here >> Earl Scaping and Aquaria

Or over on Instagram Here >> Earl Scapes

Dan also has a website where you can see events and workshops he will be attending

Also if you want to join a community of fish keepers and scapers, you might also like to follow InTheFlow too Over on Instagram.

Earl Scapes

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