Byrkley Aquatics & Aquascaping
Based inside Byrkley Garden Centre, Rangemore, Burton on Trent, Staffordshire, DE13 9RN
Water Gardening and Garden Ponds
We have a good range of water gardening products throughout the year. With pond fish available from End of February till End of September depending on the weather. Please check availability if you are travelling far.
We have one of the best selections of pond plants in the Burton on Trent area.
Fish Disease Diagnosis
Pond fish are often suseptable to various parasite diseases. They can often be difficult to detect with the naked eye.
Aqua Vet is our new Disease Diagnosis service, using a state of the art microscope to effectively diagnose fish diseases so that we can advice the best treatment to get your fish back to top health quickly.
Want to create a Wildlife Pond
Join up for a series of emails helping to you set up the perfect wildlife pond in your garden.
We will cover everything from choosing the best location, to selecting plants and attracting wildlife.
Just fill in this form and the emails will be sent automatically.